Monday, June 8, 2009


I'm at the Apple WWDC this week in San Francisco. I haven't been back to SanFran since I left when I was 10 years old in 1989! It's wonderful to be back and now I understand why my mother was so sad to have left.

It's going to be a hectic week for me with labs and sessions from 8am - 6pm and coding/work/school till the wee hours of the night. UGH. Food is decident here in SanFran and every other storefront entices you with the smells of their culture. Being an adventurous person and eater all these things appeal to me. I however did very well my first full day here. I had a small plain bagel and orange juice for breakfast. For lunch I had an organic green salad with balsamic vinagerette alongside 6 pieces of yellow tail roll. It was perfect. I also swung by Whole Foods to pick up a few snacks. Organic wheat crackers, bananas and some soda water.

I did a TON of walking today. Opening day involves the keynote and 2 other sessions both 30mins each, so it was a fairly light day. While I had a lot of work I could have been working on I decided to take in the sights on what I think might wind up being my only free day. I walked the hills of China Town and actually felt some leg work going on. After all the back and forth and sight seeing I'm sure I easily hit my 10k steps for the day, if not more! What sucks is I was rushing and forgot my pedometor! Oh well.

There is also a really nice gym a few floors up from my room that I hope to check out a few times this week. At least 3 times for a minimum of 30 mins to be exact! LOL.

So I'm trying to hang in there and there is indeed a scale in my room. I'm actually very thankful for that., it will help to keep me honest! More to come later. I hope all you wonderful ladies are doing well!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so fun, I remember walking so much last time I was in SF, and the scale and gym will help too, I understand the pressures of work, take it easy and take care of yourself.
